
2024年1月21日—LightShotisafreeandverystraightforwardsniptoolforMacthatallowsyoutotakeaquickscreenshot,edititandshareitonFacebookand ...,2024年2月26日—PressShift+Cmd+3tocaptureyourentirescreen.PressShift+Cmd+4toturnyourmousepointerintocrosshairsandselect ...,2024年3月4日—So,howdoyousniponaMacwithcustomsettings?PullupthetoolbarbyholdingdownShift+Command+5.Then,totherightofthescreen ...,2023年9月...

7 Best Snipping Tools for Mac [2024]

2024年1月21日 — LightShot is a free and very straightforward snip tool for Mac that allows you to take a quick screenshot, edit it and share it on Facebook and ...

How to Use Snipping Tool on Mac

2024年2月26日 — Press Shift + Cmd +3 to capture your entire screen. Press Shift + Cmd + 4 to turn your mouse pointer into crosshairs and select ...

How to Use the Snipping Tool on a Mac [Full Guide]

2024年3月4日 — So, how do you snip on a Mac with custom settings? Pull up the toolbar by holding down Shift + Command + 5. Then, to the right of the screen ...

Is there a "snip tool" for mac?

2023年9月30日 — I've been using Monosnap for the last 3-4 years. It works great for my needs...mostly screen snips, grabbing some slides off teams meetings etc, ...


Select the desired area, hold Option, and double-click the selected area or click Done. The captured image will be saved to your device. You can do the same ...

Snip for MacOS

Click on the pen icon to open the Snip Editor page. Here you can toggle between Markdown or LaTeX, and start writing your Snip. Once you click save, a new Snip ...

Snip on the Mac App Store

Snip is a screen-capture application that can capture the active window or custom areas. Drag to zoom in/out the screen shot; add labels, ...


snip for mac是一款mac滚动截图软件,使用时可截取指定区域、固定窗口区域,截取后可进行拖拉缩放,支持添加矩形、椭圆、箭头、画刷、文字等多种标记,支持保存到本地和 ...

在Mac App Store 上的「Snip」

2012年11月30日 — Snip 4+ · 1. 采用原生架构;体积更小,速度更快 · 2. 支持Retina显示屏 · 3. 支持通过QQ邮箱来分享截屏内容 · 4. 增强编辑功能 ...

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具
